JEE MAINS-Normalization Procedure for Class XII Board Marks

Here is the screen shot official notice publiced on jee mains website regarding normalised procedure for class 12 board marks(you will find below the link to download the notice).

Normalization Procedure for Class XII Board Marks

In view of large scale variations in the examination system in country, the JEE Interface
Group (JIG) decided that for this year (2013), 50% of Boards marks be normalized by
equating percentile amongst different boards/examining bodies and anchoring them to
All India JEE-Main percentiles, and 50% be normalized by equating each
Board’s/examining Body’s percentile with JEE(Main) percentile marks of respective
Boards /examining bodies.

Accordingly, the detailed procedure for normalization of Board marks will be as follows:-

i. Note down the aggregate marks (A0) obtained by each student in JEE- Main.

ii. Compute the percentile (P) of each student on the basis of aggregate marks in his/her own
board (B0) computed from the list of five subjects specified (each marked out of 100). The
percentile is to be computed among all students of the board whose subject combinations
meet the eligibility criteria of JEE-Main.

iii. Determine the JEE- Main aggregate marks corresponding to percentile (P) at the All- India
level. Regard this as B1.

iv. Also, determine the JEE- Main aggregate marks corresponding to percentile (P) among the
set of aggregate scores obtained in the JEE- Main by the students of that board. Regard this
as B2.

The normalized board score of the candidate will be computed as:
Bfinal = 0.5 * (B1 + B2)
For the purpose of admission to CFTIs where it has been decided to use the JEE Mains
performance and the Normalized Board performance in the 60:40 ratio, the composite
score for drawing the merit list will be computed as:

C = 0.6 * AO + 0.4 * Bfinal,

Five subjects to be used for normalization:-
1. Physics
2. Mathematics
3. Any one of the subjects Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Computer Science
4. One language
5. Any subject other than the above four subjects.

In respect of 3, 4 and 5, the best mark in a given category will be chosen.
For any query please write to


JEE (Main) 2013 - Frequently Asked Questions about Normalization
Q. What will be my normalized Board marks based on my Board and JEE (Main) Score?
A. Your normalized Board marks will be based on your position in the Board (i.e. your percentile score). The percentile score you get in your board will mainly contribute to your normalized marks. Please see example.
Q. I could not do well in JEE (Main) but have done very well in Board exam, will I qualify for appearing in JEE (Advanced) after getting weightage of normalized Board marks?
A. No, the normalized Board marks weightage is only for deciding ranking of JEE (Main) which will be used for admission to all Central Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs)/ NITs/IIITs but excluding IITs).
Q. As written, the five subjects will be taken into account for calculation of percentile and normalization are 1-Language, 2-Physics, 3-Mathematics, 4-Chemitry (any one of Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Biotechnology), 5-Any Elective or Language. Can this 5th subject be Computer Science as I have already taken Chemistry from PCM Science group?
A. Yes, the 5th subject can also be any of the four subjects which are given at Sl No. 4 above. However no subject should be repeated.
Q. I have studied five subjects English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science. Since Computer Science falls under the same Science group, will it be considered as fifth subject?
A. Yes, Computer Science will be treated as fifth subject in this case.
Q.If I do well in additional sixth subject then will it be accounted for in place of subject Physics, Mathematics, at least One from Chemistry/Biology/Computer Science/Biotechnology?
A. No. The subjects required should meet eligibility criteria, i.e. one language, Physics, Mathematics, one from Chemistry/Biology/ Biotechnology/Computer Science and one any Elective or Language.
Q. I have only four subjects in my Board examination, whereas 5 subjects has been mentioned in the scheme of study for Science to be considered for admission to NITs, IIITs. Will I be considered?
A. For this year as an exception, the candidates with four subject will also be considered provided the subject combination satisfies the eligibility condition of JEE-Main.

Q. The variable/symbol B0 is not used anywhere in the normalization formula given in the "Normalisation Procedure" document.
A. The B0 is the marks obtained by the candidate in his/her Board, which is the basis for calculating percentile (P). Hence variable B0 is only a base for calculating percentile (P), which is further used to get corresponding JEE (Main) marks.
Q. What will be the minimum marks that should be scored in class 12th Board exam to be qualified for admission in IIT?
A. This is dealt by JEE (Advanced), please send your query to
Q. Some Boards like CBSE give grades for few subjects such as Work Experience etc, will these grades be also considered for fifth subject while normalizing score?
A. Such subjects are not considered for the purpose of normalization.
Q.I have appeared in class 12th Science stream examination with English Core, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science. Is my subject combination is correct for JEE (Main)?
Q. I have scored 423 out of 500 marks in my Board examination and was JEE (Main) Paper-1 score is 180. What will be my normalized marks for JEE (Main)?
A. Your normalized marks will be based on your percentile rank within your Board. The equivalent marks of JEE (Main) percentile (All India) and JEE (Main) percentile (of that Board) will be taken into consideration based on your board percentile score.
In order to calculate normalized board marks, one needs to know marks of all the students in that Board, marks of all the student of that Board in JEE (Main), as well as marks of all the students of all the Boards in JEE (Main). Please see example.